Steel Property Management, LLC provides full service residential management for single family and multi-family properties in the Twin Falls, Idaho area.

We have rental housing in a wide range of rent starting as low as $775.00 per month and up to $1695.00 per month.

Like the changing seasons, we can assist you with housing during the changes in life. From the first time renter working or continuing an education, to the family in transition or waiting for a home to be built, we have housing in a multitude of size and rent range.
Deana Steel

Steel Property Mgt., LLC
447 Bracken St. N.
Twin Falls, ID  83301
(208) 735-0473

Please e-mail us to request a Rental Application.

Steel Property Management, LLC
"Providing clean, comfortable living"
Apartments & Duplexes​
​Please email me to request an application.

​324 ½ Sixth Ave. N.
Smaller 1 basement bedroom apartment in four-plex. Common entry in front, street parking for 1 vehicle. Kitchen appliances include fridge & stove. All utilities included. 7 blocks from laundry mat.
Approx. 492 sq. ft.
Non-smokers/NO pets 3 mo. contract
Rents for $775.00 Sec. Dep. $775.00







